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Coat to strong hood in use once and whose two sexes used.
So ate the princesses [under François 1st] covered of a mantle of oilcloth, VOLT. Customs, 121.
Fig. To have the mantle and the sword, to be without fortune, only.
And having for everything although the mantle and the sword, All my hope would have been deceived, REGNARD, Ménech. II, 1.
Fig. To have the mantle and the sword, to have some outsides only, only that the appearance of the merit.
For the small marquis, I find that there is not anything of so thin that his/her/its person, and these are of these merits that only have the mantle and the sword, SOFT. Put. V, 4.
Discreetly, in hiding place, secretly, underneath.
The shrewd mind laughed discreetly, MAKE IT. Belph.
He/it is not able to.... To laugh discreetly of these towers? MAKE IT. Geese.
And you lead a train that I hate strong, SOFT discreetly. Tart. I, 1.
Io [Mrs. of Montespan] was at the Mass, one looked discreetly at it, SÉV. 333.
He/it justified himself/itself of that that M. had said discreetly of Lauzun, SÉV. 512.
I often laughed discreetly of the embarrassment of my father and my mother, that strong knew often where to get, HOLY-SIMON, 50, 99.
To laugh discreetly of the public's silliness, VOLT. Lett. of Argental, Dec. 1760.

Currently, in some provinces, garment whose women cover themselves the head and the shoulders against bad weather. To leave in mantle.

In terms of marine, the mantle is the big sail of the mainmast.
To be to the mantle, to get, to hold to the mantle, says itself of a ship that, the rod downwind, and nearly to dry of veils, present the side in order to more to make road.
XVIe s.
Vestu merely of a meschante cappe, AMYOT, Nicias, 34.
After made some sacrifices, him vest the chappe of purple of the Proserpine goddess, AMYOT, Dion, 70.
Some of the roughneck soldiers, in himself mocquant, asked the herault, if, for the arrival of a cappette and one fight of Lacedaemone, the Syracusainses himself sentoient if fortify that them in deussent to have the Athenians in mespris, AMYOT, Nicias, 34.
.... Celuy that of full day To the cardinals in cappe has veu to make the love, OF THE BELLAY, VI, 34, back.
The others that parloient also to pass the mounts, rioient under tread, OF aub. Hist. III, 148.
However I feel that my reader pulls me by the mantle for what I didn't mark the rupture of the Estatses, OF aub, enough. Hist. III, 173.
Pronunciation picarde of tread (voy. this word); bourguig. caippe.
MANTLE. Add: 4°
In the factories of tobacco, synonymous of dress, n° 13.
Add: XIIIe s.
Voians all, non crumb sos mantle, Fist decoper Gerbiers li Trestous pappe his/her members one and one, PHILIPPE MOUSKES, Chronicle, V., 15572.

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